Ryanair Cancellation Policy

Certain situations may occur in front of you which may lead to affect the travel plans. So, if you planned for vacations and choose to travel with Ryanair but somehow will have to cancel the plans they do not get puzzled. You can easily cancel the flight tickets before it is too late and you are asked for a cancellation fee. So, we also suggest that go through the terms and conditions which of the cancellation policy. And, here we have brought to you some of the crucial points to be taken care while cancelling the ticket.


Learning Some Important Points in Ryanair Cancellation Policy


  1. To start with, according to Ryanair cancellation policy, if the passenger cancels his booking within 24 hours of reservation or departure of flight then he is eligible for a full refund.
  2. In case the passenger cancels his flight after 24 hours then he will be asked to pay for the cancellation amount which may vary depending upon various factors.
  3. The passengers may check their cancellation and refund status from Ryanair manage booking option which is made available on the official website of the airline.
  4. To know what will be the Ryanair cancellation fee, the passenger may check the same in its manage travel option. As the fees vary on the type of journey, timings, destinations etc.
  5. It is also advised to go through all the terms and conditions of cancellations during the time of booking.
  6. If all the conditions are fulfilled then the passenger is applicable for a refund which is initiated in 2-4 business days.


The passengers may even contact Ryanair reservations number in case they want some information and assistance. This customer support is 24/7 active and is made available on various platforms.

source:  https://www.flightrouteinfo.com/booking-phone-number-ryanair-fr
